Even though it was about weeks agonow, still hadn't got round to carrying this one on! But so much more to see and explore!
Great, so near the hotel (hotel fresh, Athens) found a good area FULL of the best cocktail bars, restaurants, I'm afraid the names in Greece are a bit mad and can't even remember what it is called now! oh well it will come to me... have a look!
So during the day walking around spotted this restaurant, Eat at Miltons, had to be visited at night, the food and everything turned out to be amazing! Food by Michelin star Chef Alain Parodi, but the prices were very affordable!


Yes, got given this tray with bread, a tomato and oil, had to peak at the Greeks on the table next door to make sure we were allowed to just chunk it up and eat!! Yum!

And then of course, the all famous Moussaka,

There was also a lobster ravioli we ordered that went down great with cocktails!
Scattered back to the roof top bar at hotel...

The roof top bars in Athens are the best way to take in the amazing view of the Acropolis. Speaking of wich, its day 2, and so Agora it is.

Now this is really something else, so glad got to do this, for me definitely the highlight of Athens
On to the Acropolis museum, which is literally down from the Acropolis. This was a separate entrance fee of arround 5/6€.
Tehee! I do love Greek/Roman coins!! :)