Monday, 16 February 2015

Review: Blackbird Tea Rooms

 On a day off, there is nothing I like more than a good old breakfast out, and discovering new places I've seen on different blogs and sites, today we are looking at Blackbird Tea Rooms in the South Lanes, the photos don't do it justice, lets put it that way.

You don't get more traditional than this for a tea room, and I don't even drink tea!

And the cakes! Well can't say I have actually tried them but they look exquisite, what you would think an old-fashioned cake in those days looked like!


And even the rest of the decor is like a museum within itself!



But... Breakfast is what we came for, and Breakfast it is! And I have saved the bestest for lastest.

Having been here several times I have always been quite boring and ordered the same thing, but it's what I come here for, the Cinnamon French Toast with Bacon drizzled with maple syrup (Oh well it's Sunday) and a good old cappuccino!

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And yes, here it is...


I know...

And yes me, being me, loves a bargain, well check this out, they have breakfast deal going on weekdays before 11am, any breakfast dish you get 50% discount and a coffee/tee free! BAR-GAIN!

Well worth a visit, have been here several times and always sing their praise.

Ta ta for now!!


Sunday, 1 February 2015

Fresh pizza, come and get it!

Hey dudes, On a Sunday wanting to share with you a great pizza recipe, for the nicest, tastiest, crunchy, home made pizza dough and toppppings! The recipe is from ye old Jamie Oliver and goes a little like so...

  • 1 kg white bread flour or Tipo '00' flour, or 800g strong white bread flour or Tipo '00' flour, plus 200g finely ground semolina flour

  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt

  • 2 x 7 g dried yeast sachets

  • 1 tablespoon golden caster sugar

  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

  • 650 ml lukewarm water

Veeeery simple, just mix all together in a LARGE bowl and then work on a floured surface, knead until it has all come together and you have a beautiful springy dough. Put back in the to bowl (flour the inner first) and let it spring to life for 40mins to 1h in a warm area (next to radiator, airing cupboard?!). I was able to then separate the dough in 3 balls and made 3 different pizzas!

Pictures as followed.

First up, my FAVE, veggie pizza, with courgettes, onion, red pepper and a little spinach.


Second for the meat lovers, turkey slices and frankfurt sausages


And last but not least, ham and pineapple and magic ingredient, Heinz tomato ketchup, yep, love it or hate it, it's on there!


In the oven they go! This pizza base does cook quicker than shop bought pizza I find as its fresh, so make it as crispy or as doughy as you like!


And the end result is....!! Be prepared to droooollll....



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Really worth making your own pizza and this really is a very good recipe for the base! Have fun with it!