Monday, 20 June 2016

Coldplay, Wembley, London, June 19th 2016!


It's always the best time for me to write when sitting on plane! Yes, we are in June and the UK Summer is not allowing us to take off due to bad weather! Thank god I'm heading somewhere warm and sunny, Málaga, home. For those of you that don't know Im born Spanish but mum is English so I'm 50/50!

Anyway, on to today's post. Should have been New York I know, but last night I went to my first ever ColdPlay concert, after having wanted to go for years and never been able to get tickets we were finally going to Wembley to support old Chris and the gang! (Like buddies we are!)

And what an experience! Having been to a few bigger artists concerts like Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Kylie (yup, all the best pop-tack!) I didn't really know what to expect from a band doing such a huge venue that weren't going to have dancers or anything, of course not that they needed it as the music sells itself!

But first, a pub lunch and a few pints of course! The company? Only the best! The boy and some of my best friends from Uni, all major Coldplay addicts!

On to the event...

THE most colourful concert I've ever been to! The "A head full of dreams" tour really is a dreamy event with colourful light-up wrist bands that flash in time with the music, and change colour with the mood of the song, coloured confetti, large yoga-ball sized balloons, 3 different stages, and hits such as "Yellow","Clocks","The Scientist", "Fix you", "Princess of China" and so Many more! 2 hours of absolute fun that have left me aching today!

70 thousand people, and a LOT of umbrellas! Luckily enough we were undercover, but all the standing audience and of course band and crew did get a little wet! To the point that even one of the guitars broke!!

The pictures get darker as we go along, and therefore, better! My old Nikon didn't capture night time photos very well, but the new fella Fujifilm snaps those darkies up a charm!

"And it was all Yellow..."

An incredible "Adventure of a lifetime" in the words of Coldplay.

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