Sunday, 20 March 2016

All aboard the second part! (Caribbean cruisin')

Welcome back! We are half way through the cruising. thinking about it now in March where we still aren't in any sort of sunny Spring is quite depressing!!


Day 5 - St Maarten (French/Dutch Caribbean Island)

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Family decided to rent a car for the day, if I remember correctly the price was about $80 for the day, so very reasonable! This Island is quite small and you can drive round it in a day, so very worth doing some beach hopping!

Guana bay

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Grand Case

Small town on the French side of St Martin, has a long sandy beach with loads of beautiful restaurants and cafes!

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We obviously had far to much food and drink on the ship, so didn't try any of the places here as we were just hopping around the island to try and see most of it! What a place!

Airport Beach

One of the most famous beaches on the Island is Maho Beach aka Airport Beach on the Dutch side of the Island and on the top of the list as most dangerous airport in the world!!

Extremely hard to capture a good picture as the bigger the plane that is landing the better the photo, but you can get the jist!

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This was dads attempt of a cool pic! I think I look quite good in this one, don't you think??

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Quite terrifying, when the planes took off the whole beach moved! The sand flew all over the place, people lost their belongings in the wind! You Wouldn't come here to relax but a must see on the itenerary!

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Baie Rouge (red bay)

Get's it's name from the slight red hue of the sand.

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Baie aux Prunes

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Great Bay

Last but not least Great Bay, as we have to sail off at certain time, this is the closest bay to the port, it was quite a hot day so it's quick dip and back to the boat!



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[caption width="4608" id="attachment_689" align="alignnone"]DSC_0116 (2) Looking a little more tanned![/caption]Day 6 & 7 - Sailing back towards Fort Lauderdale

Sad to not be going back on anymore islands, but we have to make the most of being together on the last couple of days sailing back!

Plenty to do!! so many restaurants, bars, a comed club, an ice rink, climbing wall, surfing wave pool, loads of swimming pools dotted around, icecream on tap, what else can I say, a real experience.

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[caption width="4608" id="attachment_698" align="alignnone"]DSC_0002 (4) Blue Planet show[/caption][caption width="475" id="attachment_media-155" align="aligncenter"]DSC_0003 (2).JPG Second Formal Night[/caption]

Go on... Ill make a fool of myself and my terrible attempt at surfing! Then dad, with a much cooler version may I just add!! (he did used to windsurf all the time)

[caption width="4608" id="attachment_705" align="alignnone"]DSC_0002 (5) Tepanyaki restaurant Izumi last dinner[/caption]DSC_0011 (4)

Day 8 - Arrival back at Miami, debark!

Time to say goodbye to the little star! He will stay travelling round until July 16.

Thanks for the memories.

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